merge avi in debian shell

Mi sono trovato ultimamente a dover unire due video avi , e con la mia Squeeze non avevo ancora affrontato questa cosa.

Per fortuna da shell esiste un comando comodo in grado di svolgere tale compito senza tanti fronzoli e in pochi secondi .

Necessaria l’installazione del pacchetto transcode

#apt-get install transcode transcode-utils

Fatto ciò non ci resta che spostarci nella dir dove sono i file ca unire e :

$avimerge -i part1.avi part2.avi partx.avi -o full.avi

L’operazione di merge dura pochissimo dato che non è presente alcun processo di conversione.


avimerge – merge several AVI-files into one


avimerge -o name -i file1 [ file2 [ … ] ] [ -p file ] [
-a num ] [ -A num ] [ -b num ] [ -c ] [ -f commentfile ] [
-x indexfile ]


avimerge is Copyright (C) by Thomas Ostreich.


avimerge is a versatile tool. It can contatenate several
AVI files into one. It can also be used to fix an index of
a broken file and can also replace audio tracks or muxes
new ones. It can read raw AC3 and MP3 files for multplex-


-o name
Specify the name of the output file.

-i file
Specify the name(s) of the input file(s) to merge
into the output file.

-p file
Specify the name of the audio file to multiplex
into the output file. The type of file can be
either another AVI file or an MP3 or AC3 file.

-b num Specify if avimerge should write an VBR mp3 header
into the AVI file. Default is dependent on the
input file (and usually correct). num is either 1
or 0.

-c Drop video frames in case audio is missing [off]
Only when merging multiple AVI files. Some AVI
files run a little bit (usually for one or two
video frames) short on audio. This means avimerge
cannot keep up sync when concatinating them. The
files play fine when played individually but not
when merged because audio from the new file gets
played back with video from the old file. avimerge
will print a message like

No audiodata left for track 0->0 (59950.25=59950.25) continuing ..

When you turn on the -c option, the video which is
too much will be dropped.

-f commentfile
Read AVI tombstone data for header comments from
commentfile. See /docs/avi_comments.txt for a sam-

-x indexfile
Read the AVI index from indexfile. See aviindex(1)
for information on how to create such a file.

-a num Specify the number of the audio track you want to
use from the input file.

-A num Specify the number of the audio track you want to
use in the output file. If you specify an existing
track number, the track will be replaced. If omit-
ted, the next free slot will be used.


The command

avimerge -o big.avi -i my_file1.avi my_file2.avi my_file3.avi

merges the three input files my_file[123].avi into one big
AVI-file big.avi.

avimerge -o out.avi -i in.avi -p audio2.avi -a 1

merges track number 1 form in.avi to the next free track
number in out.avi. You can create audio-only AVI-files

transcode -i song.mp3 -x null,mp3 -g 0x0 -y raw -a 1 -o audio2.avi -u 50

The command

avimerge -o out.avi -i in.avi -p sound.mp3

merges the file sound.mp3 as an additional audio track
into out.avi.


avimerge was written by Thomas Ostreich
with contribu-
tions from many others. See AUTHORS for details.


aviindex(1), avifix(1), avisplit(1), tccat(1), tcde-
code(1), tcdemux(1), tcextract(1), tcprobe(1), tcscan(1),

2 risposte a “merge avi in debian shell”

  1. Ciao purtroppo nei repo di Squeeze non sembra essere più presente il pacchetto transcode..
    devo per forza compilarlo?


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